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07.03.2020 09:25

Can‌ ‌Pets‌ ‌Catch‌ ‌Coronavirus‌ ‌SARS-CoV-2,‌ COVID-19?‌


‘Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19’ - the last few months these words seem to be everywhere and to bring up serious panic. Some part of this panic was caused by the news of identifying a dog with this coronavirus in Hong Kong. 

We, the Animal ID team, have decided not to get scared, but to learn all the facts and prepare an awesome infographic on the topic for you. 
Save it for yourself and share it with your animal loving friends. 

So, now we know all the info and can tell you if your fluffy friend can get infected.
The quick answer is no! The details are below.


You need to wash your hands for at least 30 seconds. Use soap or disinfectant containing 60-80% of alcohol. Pay additional attention to the under-the-nails area.


  • Keep the distance. Remember that the virus is airborne, so try to not to get close to infected people. The safe distance would be around 3 feet, try not to come closer than that.

  • Don’t touch your face with your hands. It especially concerns rubbing your nose, eyes and mouth – the infection can get in through mucosal barriers.

  • Don’t eat bats. Not like you were going to, right?:)


Have you noticed the symptoms in you or your family? If you believe that there are symptoms of coronavirus (fever, dry cough, runny nose, troubled breathing) in you or your close ones, here is what you need to do.


  • Call your doctor

That’s the wisest thing you can do. Only a doctor can give you a diagnosis after examining you and running some tests. Don’t think that the Internet is your doctor!


  • Wear a respirator

Infected people should wear respirators. A simple n95 respirator won’t keep the virus from affecting you, but will stop small drops when you cough and won’t let the virus spread further. As soon as the respirator gets wet, you should get another one and wash your hands.


  • Cough properly

Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your bent elbow. Do not cough into your hands – you will touch things after that and spread the virus. Don’t cough on your pets and don’t touch them.


  • Isolation

It would be smart to quarantine yourself for some time. If you can remain alone in a separate room in your home, do so.
Scientists have not come up with the vaccine against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) yet. However, the majority of infected people get well soon and say that it’s no worse than a simple cold.


What are our conclusions?


Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is not dangerous to pets. It can only go from people to people. Cats and dogs have their own kinds of coronaviruses. People cannot be infected by them, but can carry infected things (dirt on their shoes, for example).
If you catch coronavirus, still don’t get in touch with your pets, as they can later give your coronavirus to other family members.
The most important things here are to learn all the facts, to follow the recommendations and not to panic!


There are various types of Coronaviruses


  • AlphaCoronaviruses (FCOV Mutation FIP)
  • BetaCoronaviruses


How to prevent the virus?


  • Wash Your Hands. Not less than 30 seconds. Use soap or sanitizer with 60-80% of alcohol.

  • 3 Feet Distance (3 feet). Viruses can get you if you’re closer than 3 feet when someone sneezes.

  • Don’t Touch Your Face. Don’t rub your nose, eyes or mouth. Viruses get in through mucosal barriers.

  • Wear a N95 FFR respirator. It stops the virus from further spreading. It must cover your nose and mouth and fit closely.


If You Caught the Virus:


  • Call your doctor if. If you have high fever and dry cough.

  • Cough properly. Cough in a tissue or your elbow, not into your hands! Don’t cough on people, pets and objects.

  • Wear a mask. It won’t protect from the virus, but will stop it from spreading around.

  • Don’t touch your pets. They won’t get sick but can spread the virus to other people.

  • Take a shower! Take a shower if you or your pet got in contact with infected people.

  • Wash your Clothes at 158 F. After contacting sick people, wash your clothes at 158 F temperature.

  • Disinfect. Disinfect all the surfaces with 60-80% alcohol solutions.


This material was prepared with the help of:

Vasiliy Alekseenko, The veterinarian in ‘Modern Medicine Center’

Andrew Pinchuk, The chief medical officer in ME ‘Lev‘


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