Don't lose friends


What types of profiles are there?

Attention! You can choose your profile type only ones! All profiles, except the owner's profile can create a public organization page.

Profile type Owner can register their pets, add photos and other important information to their profile, such as copies of veterinary documents, a QR pet tag, a microchip etc.

Profile type Veterinarian can register pets that are on his account, add microhip number and more (with the consent of the pet's owner). Veterinarian can also order branded QR pet tags.

Profile type Breeder can register both individual pets and the entire brood, add pedigree information etc.

Profile type Pet club can register both pets that belong to the pet club and breeders' pets with their broods separately, add pedigree information etc.

Profile type Shelter has access to the entire online system for effective team work, from registration and identification to pet adoption.

Profile type Municipality receives a personal online office for keeping records on stray animals in the city. This allows to estimate the scale of the problem of street animals in the city, as well as determine the necessary measures and the amount of budget needed to solve it.